Tuesday, 30 April 2013

iPad Interface Design - Dalia's Florist

The following is the iPad app interface I designed for a florist, Dalia's Florist. All illustrations (app icon and menu icons, logo, buttons and pages) were designed using Illustrator and put together in Photoshop. I used feminine colors because they're similar to the colors that my cousin (the florist) chose for her business card.

I added the screen shots for the app I designed and created in App Development class which is this app, Dalia's Florist. It's a little bit different from what I designed here.

iPad App icon

App start-up page when the App loads
Menu page

Clicking on Flower Arrangements in the menu will lead you to this page where a customer gets to choose a flower Arrangement according to Occasions (drop-down list), or a one flower bouquet or create their own bouquet.

This is the customer account's page where each customer can access their invoices, purchase history...

Dalia's Florist full logo

simple logo without title

logo with title

Actual iPhone app I created in App Development class.
The background color is different, I removed the pink part and kept the background with the logo shape. Menu buttons are smaller because it's actually an iPhone app. I used different fonts because the fonts I originally chose would not show on the iPhone or iPad unless I add the font file.

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